Simple Healthy Yummy Cucumber Dog
The goal right now for my family is trying to find ways to eat healthier. Having four picky eaters and a sweet tooth myself, that is proving to be a bit tricky.
But this Simple Healthy Yummy Cucumber Dog checks a lot of boxes, so that’s a win for me!
Whenever I find things that the entire family likes (or at least 4 out of five!), I try to find creative ways of combining some of those foods.
Well, today I mixed what I think is a winning combination. Plus its kiddie approved, so I’m sold! It’s pretty simple to make, was under 215 calories (and could be less if you use a healthier sausage) and tasted pretty yummy! Plus with Labor day cooking coming around, this could be a healthier option for you and the family. What do you think?
Simple Healthy Yummy Cucumber Dog
For those more creative than myself, comment on what you would add. What would you do differently?
What are your thoughts?