This week’s kindergarten Bible study looked at the story of Moses. This is Lesson 5 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My Bible Book for this school year. See Lesson 4 here.
We looked at some of the major events in the story of Moses as mentioned in the Bible. After reading the flashcard, we again worked on writing out the sentences. She then decorated it, and made it her own.
Her pictures this week was Moses’ bag, a broken heart, thunder and lightening and a happy heart. These represented Moses putting down his bag before God, God’s broken heart because Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelite’s go, thunder and lighting from the parting of the Red Sea and God’s happy heart after his people was safely away from the Egyptians.
Proof that she is learning…
This was another very familiar story for her this week. As mentioned before, one of our long-standing read aloud books has been My Take Along Bible. However she said, she learnt something new this week. That it was not Moses that parted the Red Sea, but that God did. I was extremely happy to realize she is actually gleaning and learning more from our Bible Studies. As a homeschooling parent, that is always a worry to the back of my mind.
For the event that you may want to re-create this study with your little one, I have detailed it out, leaving the links to the clip art printouts we used from the internet.
Kindergarten Bible Study-Lesson 5: Moses
- God spoke to Moses through a burning Bush. Image Used.
- God told Moses to lead his people out of Egypt. Pharaoh did not want to let God’s people go, so God sent many plagues on the Egyptians. Image Used.
- After Pharaoh let God’s people go, God parted the Red Sea to save his people. Image Used.
- God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, rules people should live by. Image Used.
See you again next week for Lesson 6. Have a blessed weekend:-)
Additional Notes:
- Use a good glue stick. I love the dollar tree. Unfortunately, those don’t work well for this to last long-term. And liquid glue is too messy. I am ordering some.
- I help her stick the photos unto the page to ensure room for our copy work.
- If my little one needs help in forming letters she might be struggling with or new symbols like commas, I am there to assist (with my coffee
- I only do Bible study and her Brain Quest workbook as a more ‘structured’ form of learning on Mondays. This Bible study handles writing also, plus it’s a lot.
- You do not have to use the flashcards. I used them because I already owned them from a prior dollar tree purchase.
- The sentences are not exactly word for word from the flashcards. Most I have rephrased in easier words for her to understand.
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