Are You Feeling Overwhelmed And A Bit Mixed Up?
Ever had one of those days (or seasons!) where for no specific reason, up feels down
and down feels up? You just feel confused, probably overwhelmed and
a bit mixed up?
You wish you could simply go lie down until the storm passes,
but life is calling you in the body of a toddler or any other endless
list of responsibilities and commitments.
So what do you do?… Why not, another cup of coffee, that always does
the trick!… but you’re all coffeed up. One more cup and you just might explode!
When all fails, I have come to learn I need to do what I should have
done in the first place, PRAY!
Thank goodness he’s nothing like me, and abundantly loving and patient!
It would be ideal if I would accept that and turn to God first. But honestly, I am stuck in some old ways and not always disciplined in turning first to God! (Pray for me). I’m still stuck trying to do it all on my own, to inevitably fail and still have to run towards him! Thank goodness he’s nothing like me and abundantly loving and patient! (Psalm 86:15)
I often wonder if it’s God’s way of trying to get my attention during these times. Am I becoming too busy and distracted that God is removed from his rightful place in my life? After all, he has done and how far he has brought me, I forgetting 1 Samuel 18:5 that true success comes from God? To take my eyes off God is like preparing for failure.
I need to, and I am going to draw close to Proverbs 3: 5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. It isn’t easy, but so are most things that are good for you!
Keeping each other in prayer….
Because I am falling away from that promise, I feel overwhelmed and drawn thin. His promise for my life is true, I just have to be patient and listen to his voice. Be patient with the process. And resist the compelling urge to rush!
I am going to recharge my life with God’s word, and allow him to show me how to put things in its rightful place, which in turn would solve the crazies am dealing with right now!
I pray you do too!
Until next time, stay blessed!
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