Homeschool Curriculum/ Homeschool Work Bins for My 1st and 3rd Grader 2021-2022
In this video, I am sharing what I have in these plastic containers for my first and my third grader....
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In this video, I am sharing what I have in these plastic containers for my first and my third grader....
This week’s Kindergarten Bible Study is about the story of Joseph. This is Lesson 8 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My Bible Book for...
This week’s Kindergarten Bible Study was the story on Jonah. This is Lesson 7 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My Bible Book...
This week’s Kindergarten Bible Study looked was the story on Noah. This is Lesson 6 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My...
This week’s kindergarten Bible study looked at the story of Moses. This is Lesson 5 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My Bible...
This week’s kindergarten Bible study looked at the story of Adam and Eve. This is lesson is Lesson 4 in our Kindergarten...
This week’s kindergarten Bible study looked at the Angel Gabriel. This is lesson is Lesson 3 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My...
In this week’s kindergarten Bible study we studied Mary and Joseph. “Mary and Joseph is Jesus’ mommy and daddy”, my daughter said. This...
This is Lesson 1 in our Kindergarten Bible Study- My Bible Book for this school year We are trying to introduce more...
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