I date anything I write. It’s just one of those things that stuck with me and I am trying to encourage my kiddos, even hubby to get into that habit. We do use a fun changeable calender in our school room to assist the kiddos, but it does not have the day or month number.
The point. Well, I want the kids to know the day and month number sequence as well. But in a simple way, without complicating the process. We have a lot of that already.
I have had these charts like forever. Every time I take them off the walls they find a way to keep producing fruit. Ok, that’s probably a bit dramatic but hey, whatever works right?
With it always being on the wall, and continuously writing the date then looking up to see the numbering, they should have it down soon.
Works for us.
What I Used
- Day’s of the Week And Months of the Year Charts.
- Post-Its. They come in so many sizes now. The size I used on the chart was 50mm*50mm .
You can make yours as fancy as you like of course.
Well until next time, happy learning/homeschooling.
What are your thoughts?