Homeschooling Goal This Year-Stay Motivated!
I am a newbie homeschooling mom, and it feels overwhelming at times. However, when I go through all the reasons why we are homeschooling, it helps in keeping me afloat. I am often burdened by the feeling of not being enough for then, even though they are progressing fine. Thus, Homeschooling Goal This Year-Stay Motivated!
My Goal above curriculum this year is to pray that the Lord continues to motivate me and guide our home-school down the path he wants it to go. And to help me in becoming more disciplined on calling on him first, and trusting everything else after.
Today my girls reminded me why it is all worth it. They were waiting to get their hair braided, and without being told my five and three-year-old took books and sat down together to read! My three-year-old cannot read as yet, so her sister read to her. Even my one year old wanted to get in on the action.
At least if nothing else, they are benefiting from all our read aloud.
Until next time,
What are your thoughts?