How I Taught My Daughter To Read (Without A Curriculum/ As A New Homeschooler)
One of the scariest thing to me when my husband first brought up the idea of homeschooling was teaching reading. I do believe that if a child can read, that learning anything else would potentially be much easier. The problem was, I was intimidated on taking on such a task. Fast-forward almost six years later, and I can comfortably say that the task seems much harder than it is. Is it an easy one? No. But it definitely can be done! If you’re wondering how to teach your child to read, this is for you!
How I Taught My Daughter To Read?
Whether you choose to go the route of using a curriculum for teaching like these, or you make your own curriculum, you can do it! How do I know? Because I did! And am just a mom, with no teaching background and lots of love for my kiddos!
Check out my video where I talk about the steps I took with my first daughter while teaching her to read. Now five, almost six years old, she loves books and has read tons of books, both paper and digital.
My wish is that this serves as an inspiration to you that it can be done! I am aware that not everyone may need to be inspired. I do know however that I did. And would have loved to have someone who was once unsure about the whole process tell me how they overcame it, and that it can be done!
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