Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
Our second grader this year will use a few different choices than her sister did last year. These are Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For The 2019-2020 School Year.
Note: The links for All About Learning Press, Well Trained Mind and Demme Learning are all for your convenience. I am NOT sponsored. All other links are my Amazon affiliate links or social media links where applicable.
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
- All About Reading Level 2 by All About Learning Press
- Writing with Ease Level 2 by Well Trained Mind. This will be our primary writing curriculum.
- Cursive- We would print free cursive practice sheets online from handwritingworksheets.com to practice. (no affiliation)
- Most of our copy work would get done throughout our other subjects.
All About Spelling Level 2 by All About Learning Press.
- First Language Lessons Level 2 For The Well Trained Mind by Well Trained Mind. Because I have this one on hand, I may use it as a resource. However, this was not an excellent fit for her in first grade.
- Easy Grammar: Daily Guided Teaching and Review For Grade 2
- We have also been reading from Dk’s Visual Guide to Grammar and Punctuation. A very concise, clear visual guide to all the different aspects of grammar. I really like this book, so we will read through this one a couple of times during the year.
- Daily Higher-Order Thinking Grade 2 by Evan Moor
- Math-U-See Beta by Demme Learning
This year I am taking a different approach to history and relieved us of all that extra work that we had been doing using the Story of the World.
This is a learning journey. And I have learned a lesson. We’ll be trying out as a group:
- American History Timeline – USA Research Handbook: Do-It-Yourself – Time Travel Journal – Fun-Schooling with Thinking Tree Books
- Travel Dreams United States – Social Studies Fun-Schooling Journal: Learn about American Culture through the Arts, Fashion, Architecture, Music, … (Travel Dreams – Social Studies) (Volume 14)
- United States – Geography, History and Social Studies Handbook: Do-It-Yourself Homeschooling
We may also if felt led to:
- Use History topics brought up in our other Social Studies and Geography books mentioned above to go deeper into.
- Pull from topics mentioned in Our What Your Child Needs to Know series for this as well.
Bible Study
We do this as a group.
- My older two kids now have a Bible each. We are rotating Bible verses from Proverbs and Matthew. Sometimes they even write a verse they might like and why they like it. There is no perfection or right or wrong to this.
- We will also read from one of our favorite children’s Bibles, like this one, sometimes.
Below is a sample of what they do.

My six-year-old

My eight-year-old
African-American History
To be honest, a lot of our African American resources looks pretty much the same as last year. We could not get through it all, and I saw no need to buy anything additional for this year. The readers I have included I had on our shelves, so did a bit of shopping in my stash.
African-American history would be done as a group.
- A Kid’s Guide To African-American History 100 African-Americans Who Shaped American History
- 100 African-American’s Who Shaped American History
Readers: For Personal Reading or Read-Aloud
(From last year.)
- The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis
- The Mighty Miss Malone by Christopher Paul Curtis
- Bud, not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis
- Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly
- Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
(From my stash. Some thrifted months ago .)
- Frederic Douglas-A voice for freedom (thrifted)
- Who was Booker T. Washington?
- Who was Nelson Mandela?
- Black Soldiers In The Civil War (thrifted)
- Who was Aretha Franklin?
- In Their Own Words-Harriet Tubman (thrifted)
- Who was Harriet Tubman?
- Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
- A Child’s Introduction to African American History
- Who was Rosa Parks?
- Who is Barack Obama?
- Great Black Heroes- Five Brave Explorers (thrifted)
- Who was Frederick Douglas?
- Who was Jackie Robinson?
- 180 Days of Science: Grade 2 – Daily Science Workbook– Shell Education
- Nonfiction Reading Comprehension: Science, Grade1-2
Social Studies
- 180 Days of Social Studies: Grade 2 – Daily Social Studies Workbook- Shell Education
- Nonfiction Reading Comprehension: Social Studies, Grade 1-2
- YouTube videos from some of our favorite YouTube learning channels.
- DK Workbooks: Geography, Second Grade
- YouTube videos from some of our favorite YouTube learning channels.
Stem Learning
We would continue to play games like Code Master and Robot Turtles.
We will use these as supplemental learning if the season calls for it. And so far it has proven to be a smart move for our homeschool.
- What Your Second Grader Needs To Know– We use this during our night time read aloud.
- Daily Learning Drills Grade 2 By The Brighter Child. My second baby is not the workbook type. This book I thrifted brand new a couple of months ago, so I will try this one out.
And for fun(hopefully)…
- Island Tales: Caribbean Folklore Stories and Trinbagonian Folklore (As Told in Poetry). Books containing stories I heard as a child growing up in the Caribbean.
- Lots of play!
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
You can also check out:
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2018-2019 School Year
Our 1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For The 2017-2018
And Our 3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
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Other than my blog, I am most active on Instagram and Pinterest right now. Hopefully, I will also continue making videos.
Thanks for stopping by, and until next post, happy homeschool planning!
Are we using any of the same resources? Do you have a favorite homeschool curriculum? What about it makes it your favorite?
Our 2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices For the 2019-2020 School Year
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