You do not need the biggest room, or most expensive books and learning materials to have a homeschool room. Your homeschool room could simply be a dedicated corner if that is all you have at the moment. The idea behind having one, though, is having a space that is dedicated to learning. To inspiring both you and your kids through this tremendous but sometimes intimidating journey.
As you look at school room tours, may it be mine or others, one thing I urge you? Most likely they did not start off at that point. It takes time with anything. So do not allow yourself to be intimidated by how big or well-stocked someone else’s room is. However, allow it to inspire you to come up with your own combination. One that works especially for your wonderful family. To find a starting point, then build from there.
I am still early in the game with three young homeschoolers at this point. However, if I could have overcome my fears with homeschooling, then so can you!!!
I will have more videos in the near video on the resources we use presently. Most free, and very affordable to get started! So join us on this journey, and let’s grow in this process together!!!
What are your thoughts?