Who knows why I didn’t know of this sooner…. Baking Soda And Vinegar Love! That’s the feeling since I’ve discovered the […]
Welcome to Mommy Share Space.
I share our homeschooling journey on Mommy Share Space, but it is also a space where I share other things I am using and learning about.
I appreciate your time spent here! If you have questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section. (I approve my comments on my blog to prevent spam.)
Thank you so much for stopping by my tiny corner of the internet.
If you’re a homeschooler…
Get started with free or almost free homeschool resources, minus the technology to access the information, with Easy Peasy Homeschool and Khan Academy. Or at a low cost using a combination of 1. Flash Kids Complete Curriculum, 2. What Your Grader Needs To Know, and 3. The DK Science Workbooks as a basic science workbook for the elementary years, 4. The Big Fat Notebook Series for Middle School and High School 5. YouTube, and 6. Pinterest to supplement.
As a mom who is not a teacher, I use curriculum. However, I hope these suggested resources will help you get started.
It is overwhelming initially, so over-purchasing is probably not uncommon. Being on the other side now, I encourage you to give yourself some time. Pray, Observe, Research.
I have used or owned all the mentioned resources and recommend things I have used or would use myself.
Lastly, I love and use YouTube and Pinterest. But they can quickly become a time-consuming mission. So please keep that at heart.
I hope you find something useful when visiting my Mommy Share Space website.
In this video, I share not only what led me to homeschool but what has allowed me to grow as a homeschool mom in various ways. – Unexpected Benefits of Homeschooling- A Personal Account| My Story As A Homeschooler
Thank you again, and all the best to you and yours.