Photo by Cameron Kirby on Unsplash
Pushing Past The Mundane For A Day/ Regaining Motivation
We have been in a cycle of work, work, hospital visits and more work for a while. That’s life right! I know. However, we’re all human. And we all need our glass refilled ever so often. Having a lot of family and friends around can often be a good source of encouragement and re-motivating yourself after life has dealt you a good whooping. I suppose it provides you with a variety of ‘safe’ options for doing things together that helps to get you back mentally in the game of life. But when you’re a smaller family unit, isolated amongst the masses like we are, you often have to try finding that motivation yourself, which is not easy. But life has no mercy. And if you don’t get up, you’ll be left behind. A very unfortunate fact of life.
So how do you push past all of that?
I have always believed in planning for events. We are taught that increases the chances of success. Besides, it’s just the responsible thing to do. For financial reasons, among others. But there are times when planning gets in the way. When you have so much on your plate already, and yet you’re there trying to free up brain space for trying to obtain perfection. Sometimes you just have to do. Yes, you always keep being responsible in your rear-view mirror, but just once in a while, take some of the over-planning stress away and just do something. Get in your vehicle and just go. (Be safe, though!)
Being happy with things not being perfect
Your unplanned escapade may not turn out perfect. Actually, I almost guarantee that it won’t. However, I have found that there is so much joy that comes from the fact of actually doing, that failed perfection quickly can fade into the background. That ‘failed’ adventure is the beginning to a fresh outlook.
Get out of your way
We are often our own greatest obstacle. There is always a reason to not do. I know. You have so much to do. You’re tired. There are still have unmet financial goals. I get it. I have them. But, I am specifically addressing those times when your motivation levels are so out of sorts, that it’s causing more problems than all of the fore-mentioned. And only you know when that’s the case. At those times, it’s necessary to push pass a lot of those feelings that are preventing you from digging yourself out of a slump. Just for a brief moment, just to give yourself a fresh outlook. Your sanity and all of your life’s plans will thank you for it.
Always be safe
I will never condone anything that is too out there. I have little kids, plus I am probably very much over-protective. (Hey, confession is the first step!) So, when I say do, I am not saying to climb mount Everest or go speed racing, or whatever is wild these days. I don’t know anymore. I am getting ‘old’, lol. I mean something simple like a road trip, go sight-seeing, go to the beach. Simple stuff. Safety first. Always.
Our attempt at this
Labor day weekend that just passed we did this. On a whim, my husband said let’s go to San Francisco. For once, I didn’t object. We immediately pushed all of our plans off the table, and we just went. We did not plan it, and it didn’t occur without hiccups. We got stuck in traffic and didn’t get to the beach till late evening. But let me tell you, even though we’re both a little bit more tired this week, we loved that we did. And I believe it has re-motivated us to keep reaching, despite all the trials. We both looked at each other and said, we have to push pass and do this more often. And in the end, even though it didn’t go exactly as we would have liked, we still managed to add some good memories to the family bank, outside of just the everyday mundane.
This may not be for you, and that’s ok
For those who live exciting lives on a daily basis, this may mean nothing to you. And that’s ok! I am genuinely happy for you, and hopefully, we’ll get there some day. But one thing time is teaching me. You’re never alone in a situation. There are just small variations. And that’s who I am trying to motivate. I am specifically trying to encourage that one family, like ours, that are stuck in mundane-vile. The family, or person, that the simplest break from all the routine will do some good too.
I encourage you, just for a day, push past the norm. But always, safety first!
Pushing Past The Mundane For A Day/ Regaining Motivation: Pictures
We got stuck in some terrible traffic, however we enjoyed the wonderful views. Can’t see these sitting at home!
We didn’t get to the beach till nightfall! The kiddos enjoyed playing in the sand though.
And I was still trying to capture every moment, in the pitch black…lol #momlife #bloggerlife

Photo by Cameron Kirby on Unsplash
Hoping you find your motivation! Until next, happy living.
What are your thoughts?