Sometimes life can feel so overwhelming you just want to cry! Not to be negative, but just being real
Staying Positive Beyond The Tears-Dealing With Allergies
Problems (Don’t We All Got Them)
Whether it be by life circumstances or life choices, or a combination of both, we are pretty much isolated out here in California. I say that not complaining, but to emphasize that stressful times feels magnified. That’s because the one person I can turn to when I am stressed, is just as stressed as I am. Blah blah, blah.
I try to keep positive, after all, everybody has their own set of problems. But sometimes life comes at you where you don’t get time to brace yourself. To figure out where the new issues are going to balance just-so in your juggling act of life. To put on that winning smile so everything seems a-OK.
As if all the excitement over the last few weeks, ranging from cars breaking down, to root canals, was not enough. Now our precious one year old, that already suffers with eczema, has severe allergies. Her skin flares up so easily. With regards to food, very often she cannot keep new foods down, which makes her ability to gain weight at this time an issue of concern. Next we will be going through the process of testing for food allergies and seeing a nutritionist.

Eczema Flares
Solutions (Until The Next Problem) To Staying Positive
Despite how heavy and frustrated it gets, I choose to keep hoping for better. I have to! To pray more! To crank up my Audible Bible, even if I don’t feel like it! Try to focus on the positive things in our lives. Hoping forward, that any and all the effort in the world is worth it to give my kids a better shot. Taking inspiration from their smiling faces!

Winning Smiles
And when all fails, I sit down with a cup of coffee, and just leave it all for a minute. After all, life and all its issues, would be waiting right there for me when I’m finished.
It may not seem like the greatest of solutions. But that is real life. Not everyone has endless resources in the form of money or people. Sometimes all you have, IS all you have at the moment, and until better, you just have to keep trying to find different ways of fitting the same puzzle of your life together.
Do you ever feel like just letting it all out! Crying if you have to? Keep your head high and know you are not alone! At least that’s what I tell myself.
We have since then seen an Allergist, and have confirmed that our daughter has severe allergies. Nothing by any means unheard of, but still challenging for the sufferer and immediate family to deal with.
She is very allergic to dairy, eggs and nuts. In addition she has a stream of other allergies like bananas, acidic fruits and so on.
I contemplated updating with another post. However, the pictures of her skin where they had to do the tests were just to painful to display. My apologies.
I am updating this however to support anyone that may be dealing with this issue. It is so hard watching your loved one suffer. To not be able to physically stop their pain and discomfort. But most of all, to feel as if someone on the outside will disregard your pain and not see it as valid. It’s just eczema. It’s just allergies. Well it is not just when you’re going through it. Nothing that is painful is.
I pray you and your loved one has the support needed to go through this. That you have loved ones to support you guys through this very emotional journey.
Be blessed and take care.
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